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Name: Janice LaQuiere
Location: Southeastern, Michigan,

February 18, 2007

Waiting for Summer’s Return: A Novel

Waiting for Summer’s Return: A Novel
Author: Sawyer, Kim Vogel
Publisher: Bethany House, 348 pages

Summer Steadman feels abandoned by God when despite her prayer typhoid fever takes her family. Alone, in the strange Mennonite community of Gaeddert, Kansas she wishes to die when the widower Peter Ollenburger seeks her out as tutor for his young son Tom. Even with the presence of Grossmutter and Tom as chaperones, the community is aroused when Peter accepts Summer into his home. Their fear of this stranger turns into animosity, and Summer must face not only her own loss but the community’s censure. As she erects walls to protect her heart, the only thing she hasn’t counted on is Peter’s unending kindness.

Kim Vogel Sawyer leads us on a beautiful journey from mourning to joy. Seen primarily through the mature eyes of Peter, he patiently illustrates a love that will never fail and tries to guide not just Summer, but also his son and the other members of the community into a compassionate understanding of each other.

Genre: Christian Fiction, Historical
Audience: Young adult - Adult
Language: None
Morality: Upstanding
Romance: An enduring romance illustrated by the changing of hearts.
Sex: None
Substance use: None
Violence: None

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